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Victor Harris

My Passion Is:

To Increase Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Competencies and Well-Being through Transformative Teaching, Research, and Outreach. 

“The wise person

can see a question

from all sides without bias. 

The foolish person is biased

and can see a question

only from one side.”


I Am Interested In: 

  1. Close Relationships with an emphasis in relationship quality, couple education, parenting education, and balancing work and family.

  2. Teaching Pedagogy/Andragogy with an emphasis in empirically-informed program design, teaching methodologies, curriculum enhancement, group process, and effective online instruction. 

  3. Cultural Diversity & Inclusion with an emphasis in spirituality and religiosity manifest across world cultures and religions.

Victor and a koala bear

Victor William Harris, PhD

unless otherwise noted

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